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Alfabetización y contenidos digitales que apoyan el aprendizaje

Literacy and digital content that supports learning

What is digital literacy and why is it so important? For several years now, the term 'digital natives' has been used to refer to the generations that have been born immersed in the technological world. But is this a guarantee that they will make good use of this space that currently occupies a place… Continue reading Literacy and digital content that supports learning

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Estrategias de lectura digital para mejorar el éxito de los estudiantes
Digital Reading Strategies to Improve Student Success

Have you ever felt that reading on electronic devices is more challenging than on paper? This is because each format involves different cognitive processes and needs. Applying the same reading strategies in both media is a mistake that we must correct to improve the reading experience of our students. In this sense,… Continue reading Digital Reading Strategies to Improve Student Success

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El programa #VoyaSer, finalista en la XIV edición de los Premios Corresponsables
The #VoyaSer program, finalist in the XNUMXth edition of the Corresponsables Awards

After evaluating more than 800 applications from 13 countries, the jury has selected #VoyaSer as one of the most outstanding actions in the “Large Company” category. The project, promoted by Santillana and Fundación Entreculturas-Fe y Alegría, was already recognized in 2022 in the awards of the 14th Week of Social Responsibility and… Continue reading The #VoyaSer program, finalist in the XNUMXth edition of the Corresponsables Awards

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Aprendizaje Adaptativo: Revolucionando la Educación
Adaptive Learning: Revolutionizing Education

Education is a sector that resists the “one size fits all” approach. For years, students have had to adjust to educational systems that prioritize results rather than the individual growth of each student. Each of us has a unique understanding of the world, different experiences and varied abilities… Continue reading Adaptive Learning: Revolutionizing Education

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Santillana organiza la segunda edición de su Congreso Internacional de Marketing Educativo, Escuelas Memorables
Santillana organizes the second edition of its International Congress of Educational Marketing, Memorable Schools

The event, entitled 'Future-proof Schools', will begin on September 20 and will feature presentations and workshops by leading international experts. With this second edition, the company continues its 'Memorable Schools' project, with the which aims to provide communication and marketing tools to schools of… Continue reading Santillana organizes the second edition of its International Congress of Educational Marketing, Memorable Schools

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La evaluación centrada en el alumno
Student-Centered Assessment

Assessment is an essential part of the learning process. The only way in which a teacher can know if their students are reaching the established learning objectives is through different types of evaluation. However, both parents and students think of tests when they hear the word evaluation immediately,... Continue reading Student-Centered Assessment

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