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Evidence of learning and its importance in educational process


February 01

  • learning analytics
  • Education

To verify the achievement of student learning, it is not enough for them to complete a course or attend classes. To support the teacher in this validation, there are the “learning evidence”. What kind of evidence do you know? Which ones do you use? What uses do you give to evidence of learning in your school?

Evidence of learning is evidence of the evolution and result of a learning process, confirming what students are learning or what they have learned. There are different types of evidence of learning based on different aspects such as the type of questions they answer regarding student learning and their degree of objectivity.

Direct evidence focuses on learning outcomes: knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits acquired at the end of a program or at a given point in time.

Indirect evidence is evidence that the student is learning, but is not clear about what or how much he or she is learning. Reflections and satisfaction surveys are examples of this type of evidence. 

Evidence of learning can help us improve our teaching practice and make well-informed decisions about interventions, new methodologies, new practices and, in general, have access to measurable parameters that allow us to understand what works for our students. 

Richmond Solution learning evidence

The importance of learning evidence lies in its usefulness for the different actors in the educational field.

teaching safety

For the institution, the evidence of learning can demonstrate the progress in the academic level of its students from the beginning of the course and at the end of it. It is also possible to have information on the performance of teachers, the effectiveness of the educational model, the methodologies used and thus be able to make decisions in this regard, with the aim of improving the results of the institution.

For the teacher, the evidence of learning presents information about what the students are learning, how they have learned it and, consequently, what works or does not work for their group at a certain moment in the program. This allows you to design classes and activities in such a way that your students achieve the planned learning. 

learning evidence

For students, evidence of learning not only allows them to show their achievements, but also helps them to reflect on their performance, their strengths and weaknesses, and to take responsibility for their results. As a consequence, they will have the possibility to decide the steps they need to take to achieve their learning objectives.

In your experience, what kind of evidence of learning works best with students at the level you teach? If you are a father or a mother, what evidence of learning helps you better understand your child's academic progress?

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