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Let's blog! Welcome parents!


July 08, 2021


Let's blog! Welcome parents! We are going through a challenging stage full of opportunities to get more and better involved in the school life of our children. welcome to a space created especially for parents of family.

Let's blog! Welcome parents!
Let's blog! Welcome parents!

We are going through a challenging stage full of opportunities to get more and better involved in the school life of our children, we welcome you to a space created especially for parents.

The transformation of school models had a strong impact on the routine, activities and rhythm of life of families. For some it was easier to adapt and for others it has been a challenge. Our children are going through the transition from a traditional model to a hybrid and/or fully digital one. It is an experience that must be traveled with awareness, support and empathy. Our job is to encourage and motivate them to go through this stage feeling accompanied and guided. 

The hybrid or digital modality represents new challenges that we as parents face and that we can see as an opportunity for our children to absorb knowledge without limits of space, place or time. These are just some of the reasons that motivated us to create a space where you can feel accompanied. This will be a space where you can find tips, learning and experiences that will guide you to maintain a balance in children's school life without losing the human connection that gave us the "normality" to which we were accustomed. 

We will talk about topics that will help you understand little by little the technologies and innovation that schools offer to improve educational standards and learn about the scope that this offers our children. 

Your opinion will be really valuable. We want this community to generate conversations around how to get more involved in our children's student life to make it more enriching. We will take your questions into account and develop content that contributes to the new learning process of students accompanied by their parents. 

We invite you to leave your comments and tell us what has been the biggest challenge you have faced as a parent in this new stage of education. Let's Blog!

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