Richmond Solution

Richmond Solution

Experiencias / Webinar

Academic Forum: Social and Emotional Development in Education

Arnaldo Canales y Sinara Madalozzo
mayo 20, 2021

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Sinara Madalozzo

Sinara si a Psychopedagogist, licenced in Education, and a teacher. She holds a Master´s Degree on Organizational Coaching from Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación de Chile.

Holds a Diploma on Management and Leadership from Universidad de Chile and a Diploma on Neurosciences Applied to Education from Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile. She is also an Integral and Executive Organizational Coach, using COI TOOLS.

Throughout her career she has led human resources management initiatives as the Director of the Albert Schweitzer School, including Social and Emotional Development proyects and programs.

She has accompanied education profressionales in e-learning Diplomas at Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica and Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Arnaldo Canales

Arnaldo is the Executive Director of Fundación Liderazgo Chile and the promoter of the Emotional Education legislation in Chile and Latin America. He holds a Master´s Degree in Emotional Education and is and Engineer in Intenrnational Trade. He´s offered training on Didactics and Emotions for over 20 years, working with vulnerable populations. He is also a member of the board of the Association of Guides and Scouts in Chile.

He is the author of Educación Emocional; la receta para una mejor sociedad, Felicidad productiva; Gestión Emocional para Equipos de Trabajo; Historias que sanan, which are real stories about bullying, told by children and teens in times of quarantine. His most recent publication is Los hombres y sus emociones … Analfabetos Emocionales.


¡Hola! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

{name}, ¿qué buscas en una solución de inglés?

{name}, ¿cuánto tiempo invierte tu colegio en inglés?

{name}, ¿cuál es el nivel tecnológico en tu colegio?

{name}, ¿qué nivel buscas alcanzar para tus alumnos?

{name}, ¿cuántos estudiantes hay en tu colegio?

{name}, Estamos diseñando una solución a la medida sólo para ti.

No demoraremos mucho...

{name}, ¡Encontramos la solución ideal para ti!

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