Richmond Solution

Richmond Solution

Experiencias / Webinar

Me, myself and my mindset: teaching reflections during confinement

Martha Ramírez
mayo 19, 2021

When we are faced with challenges, one or the other pop up to tell us we can get through it or that we will fail.

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Everybody has a fixed and a growth mindset.

When we are faced with challenges, one or the other pop up to tell us we can get through it or that we will fail.

In this presentation, Martha Ramirez will present the dichotomy of the fixed and growth mindset within our various educator beliefs along with the role they have played during pandemic teaching.

Martha will mention the research she has developed as well as share reflections, experiences, and strategies that have emerged when confronted with her own mindset during confinement.


¡Hola! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

{name}, ¿qué buscas en una solución de inglés?

{name}, ¿cuánto tiempo invierte tu colegio en inglés?

{name}, ¿cuál es el nivel tecnológico en tu colegio?

{name}, ¿qué nivel buscas alcanzar para tus alumnos?

{name}, ¿cuántos estudiantes hay en tu colegio?

{name}, Estamos diseñando una solución a la medida sólo para ti.

No demoraremos mucho...

{name}, ¡Encontramos la solución ideal para ti!

Sólo necesitamos estos datos para enviarte el resultado.