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How to use online reading programs


January 08, 2024


As teachers, we recognize the importance of reading comprehension as a fundamental part of learning. We know that you are constantly searching for tools that facilitate this work, so today we want to talk to you about the reading programs online and, specifically, iRead.

But what are these programs?

They are technological tools that allow you to select readings and plan programs based on them. They offer interactive activities, recreational elements and evaluations for effective student monitoring.

And what can I do with them?

It is crucial to know the platform well, select appropriate readings, communicate objectives, guide and provide constant feedback. Furthermore, take advantage of every reading time it's key. Thinking about it, iRead includes two essential moments: Before you read y After you read. We tell you what they consist of.

Before you read

This section provides pre-reading information, such as author context, geographical details, and presentation of characters. This approach enriches the understanding of the text.

It is important to consider this moment of reading and give it attention in the classroom, as this will help to better understand a text beyond linguistic skills since, by knowing the historical and geographical context and highlighting fundamental aspects of the text, reading becomes more meaningful. .

After you read

This section allows reinforce reading through different types of activities and exercises. These help to strengthen different areas that are essential in learning a foreign language: vocabulary, listening comprehension, orality, writing, among others. In addition, there is a wide variety of exercises that will undoubtedly stimulate students.


It is important not to omit these two moments of reading, as they are useful for reinforce learning e identify areas of improvement. This will allow you to plan next steps, such as using additional resources to develop or expand the group's skills.

Do you want to know more?

If you are still not convinced of the possibilities that open up with iRead, we invite you to consult our article The important thing is to read. Advantages of digital reading and, above all, to contact us! You will receive personalized attention and we will be happy to help you.


LinkedIn (2023). How can you use online learning platforms and courses to your advantage? Available in:


Reading Teacher (s.f.) The Benefits of Online Reading Programs and How They Can Help Your Child. Disponible en:,games%20for%20kids%20to%20do.

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