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Unleashing the power of digital reading in education: benefits and challenges


March 05th, 2024


En previous articles, we have explored the many advantages of digital reading. Portability, customization, interactivity and economic savings are just some of its benefits. However, we cannot ignore the challenges that come with this form of reading. Therefore, on this occasion, we want to present some challenges and strategies to overcome them in your teaching practice.

Let's get started!

There are too many books!

If when we enter a bookstore it can be difficult to choose a single product among so many, this is multiplied in the digital world. In this case, we recommend that you inform yourself in advance about what you are looking for and use the filters available on platforms such as iRead to achieve a more effective search.

The inevitable distractions

Interactivity can be a double-edged sword: on the one hand, it makes the reader an active being and not just a consumer of information; but it can also divert attention from the main objective. Meet this challenge with our specialized platforms, designed to offer an optimal teaching experience and minimize distractions.

Retention and comprehension: a constant challenge

The brain processes information differently depending on the medium in which we read. To make digital reading easier, adjust device and platform settings to your needs; Also reduce the brightness and choose the font that is clearest for you. Furthermore, in the classroom, your guidance and mediation are essential to support students in this process.

Lack of depth

Digital reading can become superficial and rushed. To avoid this, guide students toward more reflective and critical reading. One way to do this is by creating activities adapted to the age and reading level of the group, as well as providing constant feedback.

These are some common challenges when faced with the task of reading digitally. In all cases, it is essential to implement strategies that encourage concentration and attention, as well as promote digital literacy to make more conscious and productive use of technology.

But we want to hear from you! Have you faced any of these challenges? What others have you experienced? Share your experiences with us!


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