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Learning Analytics Using Data to Inform our Pedagogic Decisions

Escrito por

Lilian Montalvão


mayo 27, 2022


Learning Analytics Using Data to Inform our Pedagogic Decisions, In this talk, we will discuss some possibilities of using data

we change the way we look at data in education and start using it as a tool to facilitate teaching and optimize learning.

Learning Analytics Using Data to Inform our Pedagogic Decisions
Learning Analytics Using Data to Inform our Pedagogic Decisions

Learning Analytics work that distinguish it from prior educational research to give readers a concise overview of what makes learning analytics a unique

Data used in learning analytics relate to the process of learning, can come from a variety of sources (in both virtual and physical learning environments)

surrounding learning analytics use that frame how and to what extent they are able to affect education.

Concepts such as data science and analytics may sound too technical or even complicated for those of us without a background on hard science – myself included.

However, the field of learning analytics has been experiencing significant growth as technology develops and becomes an important component of our teaching and learning experiences.

That is why it is high time we change the way we look at data in education and start using it as a tool to facilitate teaching and optimize learning.

In this talk, we will discuss some possibilities of using data to inform our pedagogic decisions.

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