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Webinar previous

Mindfulness in Times of Online Learning

Escrito por

Valeria Casanova


abril 16, 2020



During this webinar, simple tips you can apply in your daily life will be presented.

She holds an undergraduate’s degree in Foreign Languages and a Master’s degree in Bilingual Education.  

Learn how to regulate emotions, manage stress, anxiety and depression and how to become more focused through the practice

Presented by Valeria Casanova Content: During the global pandemic, we have all had to change how we live and work.

Healthcare workers may be overwhelmed, busy, fearful, coping and dividing their lives. Patients with pre-existing anxiety, depression or psychosis may feel overwhelmed by additional worry or fear.

People with substance abuse may turn increasingly to whatever they can obtain to manage their own addiction.

Carers may have an additional burden of care with loss of any time to themselves and loss of supports.

Household units are living in pressured environments, not used to spending so much time in small spaces.

Mindfulness in Times of Online Learning
Mindfulness in Times of Online Learning

Presented by Valeria Casanova Content: Learn how to regulate emotions, manage stress, anxiety and depression and how to become more focused through the practice of mindfulness.

During this webinar, simple mindfulness tips you can apply in your daily life will be presented.

Valeria worked as Academic consultant for Richmond a certified Mindfulness life coach. She holds an undergraduate’s degree in Foreign Languages and a Master’s degree in Bilingual Education.  

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