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Academic Coaching in Richmond Solution

Written by

Andres Guerrero


April 04


En Richmond Solution academic coaching has become a key aspect in providing schools with comprehensive solutions to improve their English programs. In this sense, coaching has evolved from simply supporting teachers through talks or workshops, training on how to use textbooks or training on digital tools, to a more comprehensive process that seeks to understand schools and related needs and goals. with its English language programs. With that information, our academic team, along with school administrators, creates a comprehensive plan to positively impact students' English language learning process in the short and long term.


The academic advisory and coaching activity begins when students coaches they meet with the administrators and teachers of the school to carry out a diagnostic exercise of the English program. The goal is to understand the school's goals and determine how close or far the school is from achieving them. Once that process has taken place, teachers, principals, and the coach create a plan based on the findings of the diagnostic process. Doing this includes, in many cases, updating the English curriculum, training teachers in critical areas to improve their teaching, incorporating assessment tools, such as the Richmond Learning Platform (RLP), to measure student progress, among others. periodic actions.


Our team has meetings with administrators and school staff every two months to assess how the process is going. We analyze data from various sources and tools to adjust or continue to implement the strategic plan established at the beginning of the school year.

Richmond Solution Academic Consulting

In addition, we have developed the Progress Index to measure the results and impact of Richmond Solution in the school's English program annually. This index is a statistical measure that summarizes how the school is progressing in aspects such as the use of Richmond Learning PlatformmyON, the results in international English language exams and the curricular update, among other aspects. 

Richmond Solution Progress Assessment Index

Richmond Solution provides schools with a comprehensive training process that aims to help schools offer students the best possible English program. We do this by helping you have a well-prepared teaching staff, an up-to-date curriculum, the best digital and print resources, and an ongoing evaluation process to ensure consistent results in the short and long term.

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Academic Coaching in Richmond Solution

En Richmond Solution academic coaching has become a key aspect in providing schools with comprehensive solutions to improve their English programs.

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