Experiencias / Podcast

Ep 01 – Thinking Based Learning

Richmond Solution
noviembre 29, 2021

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Ep 01 – Thinking Based Learning, How many times have you thought that even when students pass the tests at school and get good grades, they have not developed the life skills that will really make a difference in their future?

Robert Swartz thinks that this is because we are not teaching learners how to think carefully and well. If that is true, what can we do about it? Check out our most recent podcast and follow us to find it out!

Richmond Solution ofrece distintas soluciones a la institución educativa de acuerdo a los objetivos del programa de inglés. Estas soluciones toman en cuenta aspectos como el número de horas impartidas de inglés a la semana, la modalidad de aprendizaje, el tipo de contenidos impresos, digitales o mixtos y otros más.

Ep 01 - Thinking Based Learning - Richmond Solution Podcast
Ep 01 – Thinking Based Learning – Richmond Solution Podcast

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How many times have you thought that even when students pass the tests at school and get good grades, they have not developed the life skills that will really make a difference in their future? Robert Swartz thinks that this is because we are not teaching learners how to think carefully and well. If that is true, what can we do about it? Check out our most recent podcast and follow us to find it out!

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¡Hola! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

{name}, ¿qué buscas en una solución de inglés?

{name}, ¿cuánto tiempo invierte tu colegio en inglés?

{name}, ¿cuál es el nivel tecnológico en tu colegio?

{name}, ¿qué nivel buscas alcanzar para tus alumnos?

{name}, ¿cuántos estudiantes hay en tu colegio?

{name}, Estamos diseñando una solución a la medida sólo para ti.

No demoraremos mucho...

{name}, ¡Encontramos la solución ideal para ti!

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